The Dickinson FFA is currently seeking sponsors to purchase new livestock trailers for our growing livestock programs. Over the past 5 years, our Agriculture program has expanded in rapid fashion and we are proud to say that Dickinson FFA is one of the 10 largest FFA chapters in Texas! With all of this growth, our number of livestock projects have also increased as well as the number of shows and events that these students are traveling to. Expansion to our Ag Barn facility is currently underway, as part of the 2020 Bond, and is expected to be completed this fall. This expansion will provide more space and capacity to allow more students to participate in livestock projects. With all of this growth we are in need of additional livestock trailers to move these animals around the state. All of our sponsors will be featured on the new trailers once purchased as a rolling advertisement for you or your company. Our goal is to raise $75,000 to purchase 2 new aluminum livestock trailers for our FFA Livestock Show Team. Sponsor levels are listed below but any donations towards our goal is greatly appreciated. Again, Thank you for your continued support of the Dickinson FFA Organization.
We would like to thank the Dickinson Management District for your support of our organization for the $50,000 grant being used to purchase a new gooseneck livestock trailer. This new trailer is currently in the process of being purchased and will soon be hauling Dickinson FFA livestock projects all over the state!
Sponsor Levels:
- Grand Champion Sponsor: $10,000
- Reserve Champion Sponsor: $5,000
- Blue Ribbon Sponsor: $2,500
- Red Ribbon Sponsor: $1,000
Grand and Reserve Sponsors will have full color logos.
Blue and Red Ribbon Sponsors will have names or company names.
Dickinson FFA is a non-profit and state tax exempt organization, any necessary forms or documents can be provided upon request.
Donations towards the Trailer Fundraiser Campaign can be made by cash, check made payable to Dickinson FFA or by credit card through RevTrak. Click the link below to go through the DISD RevTrak portal.
Credit Card Donations
Dickinson FFA Clay Menotti - Department Lead
3800 Baker Drive 281-229-6045
Dickinson, Texas 77539